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Home Events Social Science Research and the Rokwire Platform

Social Science Research and the Rokwire Platform

Rokwire Community Lecture Series

Lecture 3/7: “Social Science Research and the Rokwire Platform.” 17 November 2021. Speaker: Peter Ondish Center for Social and Behavioral Science Research, UIUC.

(Note: This lecture was bumped from its original date to the end of the series and was renumbered in some places.)

This talk outlines the vision and goals of a partnership between the Rokwire group and the Center for Social and Behavioral Science (CSBS). CSBS will collaborate with Rokwire to a) lead and b) support tech-engaged external research proposals by serving as ambassador to over 200 social-behavioral science faculty, as well as connecting researchers to key community partners. Second, CSBS will drive process-centric Rokwire research to make campus smarter, healthier, and more sustainable. Third, the CSBS will help transition Rokwire into a powerful research vehicle for the University of Illinois’ social-behavioral scientists. Fourth, the CSBS will provide Rokwire with SBS-based evaluation and measurement expertise to evaluate and measure key topics for Rokwire, such as attitudes towards technology, student health and wellness, academic success, and life readiness.

Presentation Slides


Nov 17 2021


Rokwire Community Lecture Series


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