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Smart, Healthy Communities Initiative


Smart, Healthy Communities Initiative

The Smart, Healthy Communities Initiative at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign creates environments to stimulate innovation in smart technology with the goals of making society safer, fostering better decision making, and increasing wellness.

The initiative has three primary pathways to address these goals:

  • Software: Rokwire, the open source software platform for building mobile applications.
  • Testbeds: Local testbeds for exploring new smart health-related technologies in real-life laboratories and fostering innovation. Technology developers and researchers are invited to test their technologies and ideas in these testbeds. The first testbed is the UIUC campus with an outreach to the municipalities of Champaign and Urbana. The program is developing testbed relationships with other universities and municipalities.
  • Research: The capacity to facilitate research. Our research platform will unlock the power of integrated data and lead to new contributions to the health and well-being of communities. The Rokwall, a secure enclave for data analytics, will support queries on research data without compromising subject privacy. The ability to collect, anonymize, and analyze user-generated data, using ethical human subject research practices, promises to enhance scientific discovery, identify problems, and propose novel solutions. We are engaging with researchers to adapt their projects to Rokwire. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate on your proposals.

Read the Mission, Goals, and Values, of the Smart, Healthy Communities Initiative.

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